Martes, Pebrero 4, 2014

Blog Post 3: Healthy Living to Become Fit

A Right healthy lifestyle, I, myself, always Find an information to become physical Fit, on my own experience its easy to achieve your goal If you Follow the right ways to become what you want, people nowadays  are changing their perception's
in  their lifestyle, Me as being healthy i want to live Longer, healthy living will lead us in a right way,
everything can change if you want, it is not just about eating a good food you also need to exercise daily to become Fit and healthier don't mind if you're slim I've been there before but here i  am has a good health and Fit to play any kind of sport because I eat right,sleep on time and train as much as i can, it can also helps you to be an attractive person. Now what is Healthy living?

From the article " Healthy Living" written by monica king, in this site, Healthy living is a lifestyle, they need to follow this things, which are: maintain a healthy weight, Be physical active, control your blood pressure and cholesterol, Don't smoke, don't Drink alcohol, sleep on time or sleep more that's better, protect yourself from too much sun and eat healthy food's and limit calorie's and saturated Fat, By taking steps toward healthy living, you can help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and other serious diseases, it can also help's you to become smarter, these things can make your body turn into a good shape. "why some of them doesn't like to have a healthy lifestyle even if its Good for themselves?" Exercise daily is important not only for the slim body type also for the big boned or fat, they must need this. For big boned  they don't need to eat less they just have to eat right, their perception are changing nowadays it is because of the technology they need to exercise daily or five times a week, sleep on time don't take any supplement's that you are not sure if its effective.

Being healthy is important there are many thing's to do to become a healthy living you can eat healthy foods exercise daily, swim ,play an active sports, biking make your own garden anything can be healthy living if its a right thing to do and of playing chess boards, only your brain is working, you can make changes to your lifestyle, any of that has its own purpose."Eat right is the most important to helps our body," when working, there are also many things enumerated in the article in relation to physical fitness.

A quote according Monica king,"being healthy isn't a diet it's a lifestyle. It's important to change your lifestyle and not just what you eat or how you exercise"

these are the things that we need in life Being healthy and fit is important Don't think that you can't make decision's there are no excuses because it can helps you to live longer think and be wise, let's not just imagine that you are in healthy living try to do it First make your own way and start achieving your dreams and Goal's in life.

I found an article entitle ''healthy living" written by Laury Nebian, in this site, healthy living,  health psychologists use their knowledge to “enhance the quality of life of individuals.” healthy living is not just about to Eat right you must train as much as you can to prevent laziness, it can help you also to stop and kind of diseases, the key to healthy living is focusing on what your thoughts and reactions , the things you can control

There are more thing's in life that called as a healthy living most of it are in daily lives, being healthy can really be a strong way to prevent sickness, that is a fact. all of the food that you intake must be healthy this cure is  for everything.

a quote according to Laury Nebian, "The  food that you eat can be either the safest and  powerful medicine or the lowest form of poison."
“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making - See more at:
“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making - See more at:
“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making healthier choices for yourself. Instead of holding you up for ridicule, this would actually be about doing something good for yourself.” - See more at:
“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making healthier choices for yourself. Instead of holding you up for ridicule, this would actually be about doing something good for yourself.” - See more at:
“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making healthier choices for yourself. Instead of holding you up for ridicule, this would actually be about doing something good for yourself.” - See more at:

“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making healthier choices for yourself. Instead of holding you up for ridicule, this would actually be about doing something good for yourself.” - See more at:
“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making healthier choices for yourself. Instead of holding you up for ridicule, this would actually be about doing something good for yourself.” - See more at:
people nowadays are changing because of updating new technology, they forgot about their health everyone needs it, everything can change when you make a good decision, it can helps you so why we should not be like this! everyone has a reason why they are trying to become  healthy don't think that you can believe in yourself that is the key to success, this information's can help all of us start achieving what you want in your life.

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