Martes, Pebrero 25, 2014

Blog Post 8: Mixed Martial Arts

We all know that mixed martial arts is a Bloody sport, I have a lot of experience in a fight but its just a Friend fight i was so happy the way i can apply those skills in martial arts every time I'm in a fight  and it can helps you to defend yourself, from the bad Guys. People nowadays need a protection or a self defense that they can bring anytime anywhere is martial arts.

I read an Article Entitle, "The Kung Fu King" in this site, Written by,Richard Christiansen, from the article says that Bruce lee is the kung fu king since he still live because of his techniques and own kung fu.  He learn from Ipman, when he train and spending much time to learn more in kung fu he achieve his goals in life he became an actor personal trainer and a Kungfu master, with his different style of kung fu he spread to all of his student's these kung fu  are Shadow kungfu boxing, tiger, they called it mix martial arts by combining different styles of kungfu, Bruce Lee is the perfect example body for being physically fit and his aggressiveness and he is The Legend of Mix Martial arts by he's great power and trust to himself. Learning from yourself from your mistakes is a good thing because you're still believing in yourself that you can achieve what your goal is. 

A quote according to Richard Christiansen, "1963 the kung fu king became legend by his powerful techniques in fighting, Trusting himself,  defeating eight master's in kungfu inside the boxing ring in a tournament." 

The Fact that Bruce lee is true legend of all time, by his great power he did not stop loving people. i learn from his motivational feedback to those people who's believing on him that Learning from yourself, from your mistakes is a good thing because you're still believing in yourself that you can achieve what your goal is just believe in yourself and trust yourself. 

I found an article Entitled, "MMA Success" in this site, written by Jaime Hale, Discipline, Trust, Hard Work and Believe in yourself to achieve your Goals in life and always motivate yourself that you can!, Learning more skill or different style or martial arts that you can combine in a fight every fighter in MMA wants to be a successful fighter, before you become a professional fighter You must learn from yourself that will helps you to make more proud believe that you can do the things that impossible. You cant leave a training because this the way to make the Hard things becomes easy.Following the rules of your coach, accept losing in a game can makes you more stronger train and train as much as you can. These training's are Conditioning to helps your body comfortable in a fight, to maintain your energy and power, Enhance movement ability in sport as well as everyday life   Weight lifting improves your group of mass. Running  can increase your metabolism. 

A quote according to Jaime Hale, "Being a Champion is a successor on how much the time you spend to achieve your goals in life, Trust, Believe, motivations and Inspirations."

MMA success is not just when you won in a battle having a good performance in Fighting,  it is when you realize that you know everything in Mix Martial Arts. Knowing about yourself, learning from your mistakes and having a discipline, trust, and believe  in yourself. i is the way to success easier think big and start achieving what your Goals in life prove them wrong that you can! with God nothing is possible if you believe.

Biyernes, Pebrero 21, 2014

Blog Post 7: Successful Boxer

People nowadays are not good compared to our Parents generation, now is more on Technology and that is a bad thing but the good thing is even our Parent's generation and our generation right now sports are still there and never get's old like Boxing. I really like watching some  bloody sports  like Mixed Martial Arts and Boxing because i can learn some technique to defend my self without anythings that can kill, once I've been Bully but i fight back and apply the things that I've learned in MMA or in boxing i like punching them on the face then my teacher sent me to guidance office and they call my parents. that's why right now i only applied it when i really need to use it.

I read an article entitled, "The psychology behind a successful boxer" written by Andy Lane, in this site,, the article says, you need to accept anything when you were in the ring if you lose or win nothing will change into yourself because you can learn from your failure failure is a lesson, thought and concentration is what they need when they are in the boxing ring, Boxing is sport there is no such bad thing's when they are fighting inside the ring, In a sport where there is only one winner, applying they're skill's and what they've learn in training,. Working hard, never give up, perseverance, and get's motivated each time you step up inside the ring all of that is important thing to become a successful boxer.

a quote according to Andy Lane, "Successful boxers must desensitise themselves to the effects of inflicting injury and accept personal risks each time they compete."

You need to learn from your failure because failure is lesson for you accept any thing that gives to you, no matter how hard it is. Don't stop achieving your goal you don't know how close you are in your goal's in life every athlete are Disciplined by their coaches,

I found an article entitled,"The Art of Boxing" written by, Jaime Wadman, in this site,,
from the article says is All bout your skill's, discipline, training, using your brain, your mistakes and lesson's on what you've learn. you need to be very physically fit to become a professional boxer. common mistake's can change everything when you are on training You can't catch up cause you're not focusing, There's a science in boxing,they can't call it a lucky punch all boxer are studying all bout boxing.
you should train yourself.

A quote according to Jaime Wadman, "I am used to seeing in gyms is shadow boxing in front of mirrors. The mistake here is that in performing in front of a mirror you will have a tendency to keep looking at yourself and lack movement."

Boxing is not an easy sport because you are always ready to get hurt and accept losing, all popular boxer, started in a hardest part, until they reach the top.from the article says that you need to be physically fit to become a professional boxer, That is a fact all of the needs to be Physically fit. Follow the rules Believe in yourself.

Martes, Pebrero 18, 2014

Blog Post 6: The Right Bodybuilding

let me introduce myself first, I am a college student,  a blogger and artist. base on my experience I encounter one of  the bodybuilder in the gym, not to far from my house, i talk to him and I'm just like interviewing him how did he start to become a Bodybuilder and he tell me that I just need to believe in my self and don't be afraid to fail and when i feel giving up always remember why you started, and i was like Wow! you're such a great inspiration to me. now i learned a lot because of him his name is Arnold.

From the article "Living The Bodybuilding Lifestyle" written by,Todd Fitchett , in this site , Body building is a lifestyle, depends on yourself how will you apply bodybuilding as a lifestyle, weight lifting is to improve your over all health Being Bodybuilder is a very good example of healthy living and its still part of being physically fit, the benefit of a healthy living through bodybuilding are endless, you will spend your life here when you became a bodybuilder, because you need to maintain your health and weight. Eating a lot is what they need but those are healthy foods not a bad cholesterol, exercising daily is important to the Bodybuilder and supplements helps them to Build a mass easily.

a quote according to Todd fitchett, "No matter how big or small your fitness goals are, living the bodybuilding lifestyle can help propel you toward your goals that much faster and make them a reality."

The choice are depends on you, bodybuilding, aesthetic, anything that needs a training and your body is working its still being Physically fit, make a decision and never regret for what you have decided.

from the article "The Psychology Of Bodybuilding"written  by, Kerri Dullin, in this site    Changing Your Life, Obsession on bodybuilding, you are only focusing on one thing to easily achieve your goals but it can affect your daily live's and everything, you will forget your wife, family, and friends, you only wants to easily get into it all of your meals, workout, you need to be lean and gain mass,even All of this has a successor when you achieve it. sometime you are not satisfied for what you will feel small Even if you're too big, bodybuilding is a lifestyle depends on what you wan't, always thinking  to become big and masculine or a bodybuilder. multitasking is what you need when you have a family and become a bodybuilder,

A quote according to Kerri Dullin, "Be honest,truly honest with yourself as you read this.In doing so, the goals to make ourselves more complete bodybuilders and perhaps more complete individuals as well."  

maybe there is something more you can do when you  become a bodybuilder having a hard time with your family. there is some good things will happen to you after you achieve you goals in life, getting unsatisfied is a fact when you are obsessed of what you're doing in your daily live's but he impossible things is if your wife did not understand your situation or your want's in life maybe there's something wrong with her, with God nothing is possible.

Martes, Pebrero 11, 2014

Blog Post 5: Basketball

Basketball is my favorite sport, back into high school, i spend much time to play basketball instead  of reviewing the lessons from school, i experience it also being a varsity when i was on high school  that time time i spend my whole year to train and become a greatest basketball player in our school, until now i still play basketball as much as i have a free time after doing the project's in school and also the weekends. Basket is one of the Most popular sport in the whole world.

I read an article entitled, "The Health Benefits of Playing Basketball " written by, this article says that basketball is a popular sport, some of them are thinking what can basketball do to ourselves? basketball is not only for fun there are many benefits for basketball  all of these are: increases your aggressiveness, improving skill's while playing, it can  reduce the bad cholesterol in our body it can helps to  prevent sickness Build endurance,muscle, and an hour of playing basketball can burn 605-750 calories, so the bad food that you intake can burn easily while you are enjoying the game. its an advantage for the big boned body type, Basketball is also an aerobic workout. The shooting, dribbling, passing, and running make basketball a real calorie can make a new friends in every game, also your being physically fit.

a quote according to Ramona Taylor," Basketball is not only fun to watch! It’s fun to play! Whether it’s a pick up game in the neighborhood or a class at school, basketball offers everything you could want in a fitness regiment."

Playing basketball is not that bad, as much as you can play this game, go play with them  instead of eating when you're Bored. Don't be shy because you are going no where!, think that basketball has a many benefits than other sports,

 I found an article entitled, " Becoming a Good Basketball Player " written by, Edgar Arold   in this site,, article talks about Disciplined yourself not only when you are in a game, a good basketball player must follow the rules of their coach , always listen to the coach when he is talking.always play with veterans. Discipline is the most important thing that we need to have to become a better or a good basketball player training is hard as hell, but that pain you feel after the training one day it will make sense to you, each player needs a good trainer because they will help you to reach the top and helps you to become physically fit and motivated person.

a quote according to Edgar Arold, "Play with people better than you!  When you go to the court looking for a pick up game, look to play with a group that is a level up from you." 

Becoming a good basketball player you're not going to wait for it you need to Work for it! and patience  even Michael Jordan learned to Fail and he know that you need to learn from any failure, just don't be afraid to make decisions, even the best fall's down sometimes, i think that good thing will happen when you start paying attention to it. 

Blog post 4: Random Training

People nowadays are changing Because of  new technology, all of them want's play easy games these are:   computer games,games that using technology. They Forgot Their health, to exercise, train, and also themselves, all of them are taking much time by playing online games than to exercise. Me, I trained myself as much as i have time to do that, Everybody can do that if they really want it, I've been doing this since i  came to high school, sometimes daily ,every other day, just there's always a time for that.

I read an article Entitled, " Random Training "  by Dave Tale, in this site  It has said that Random training are street workout, physical training ,Power lifting, Body building and any sports training, it still has a relation on being physically fit  but it has a different way. random training can also have a bad effect to you if you do not know how to maintain your training.Random training  can still help us to become fit these things are facts. i think  no one else would love to looks like a match we all want to be fit right? what is the first thing that come's o your mind when we talk about Random training? maybe  unorganized nothing can change by doing that training, the fact is it is the easy way to get easily build a muscle because you are doing a ramble training whole body is working and your mind is not focusing on one program,  because there is no perfect program in training, 

a quote according to the author, Dave tale,"Power lifting, weight lifting, bodybuilding any kind of training are just training! there is no perfect training, there are many different ways to train."

think first before you act, training is not that hard to accomplish, there is no Excuses for that if you really love what you're doing, invent a new training by your own, all we need is to become a physically fit. Thing's gets  better if you really train harder.

i found an article entitled, "MMA Muscular Power " by Dr. Jason Gillis, in this site  MMA is a very much influenced by Strength,and you can not have a high level of power without being relatively strong. The purpose of this is to show you how to effectively monitor the physical and psychological performance factors most important in mixed martial arts. it is also being Physically fit by Following these ways: Bench press, dead lift, Pull up Bars, all power workout needs a whole body Workout, mix martial arts training is random, any kind of training that related to become a physically fit. also street workout they can add it to their Training Program, Mix Martial Arts is the most Bloody sport in the world,being physically fit, aggressive ,power, and brain that you need to use in a Fight.

i found a quote according to, Dr. Jason Gillis, "Being physically fit can makes you stronger in a fight and training is what you need to become a better fighter."

No Limitation, No Excuses No Rules, it is not possible to formulate a perfect training programmer for all individuals. There are too many variables caused by personal and situational differences. Be better every time
you train, when it comes to fight use your  mind, power, and  Stay Focused. stay Dedicated, think about training the day's you spend much time to come up with this.

Martes, Pebrero 4, 2014

Blog Post 3: Healthy Living to Become Fit

A Right healthy lifestyle, I, myself, always Find an information to become physical Fit, on my own experience its easy to achieve your goal If you Follow the right ways to become what you want, people nowadays  are changing their perception's
in  their lifestyle, Me as being healthy i want to live Longer, healthy living will lead us in a right way,
everything can change if you want, it is not just about eating a good food you also need to exercise daily to become Fit and healthier don't mind if you're slim I've been there before but here i  am has a good health and Fit to play any kind of sport because I eat right,sleep on time and train as much as i can, it can also helps you to be an attractive person. Now what is Healthy living?

From the article " Healthy Living" written by monica king, in this site, Healthy living is a lifestyle, they need to follow this things, which are: maintain a healthy weight, Be physical active, control your blood pressure and cholesterol, Don't smoke, don't Drink alcohol, sleep on time or sleep more that's better, protect yourself from too much sun and eat healthy food's and limit calorie's and saturated Fat, By taking steps toward healthy living, you can help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke and other serious diseases, it can also help's you to become smarter, these things can make your body turn into a good shape. "why some of them doesn't like to have a healthy lifestyle even if its Good for themselves?" Exercise daily is important not only for the slim body type also for the big boned or fat, they must need this. For big boned  they don't need to eat less they just have to eat right, their perception are changing nowadays it is because of the technology they need to exercise daily or five times a week, sleep on time don't take any supplement's that you are not sure if its effective.

Being healthy is important there are many thing's to do to become a healthy living you can eat healthy foods exercise daily, swim ,play an active sports, biking make your own garden anything can be healthy living if its a right thing to do and of playing chess boards, only your brain is working, you can make changes to your lifestyle, any of that has its own purpose."Eat right is the most important to helps our body," when working, there are also many things enumerated in the article in relation to physical fitness.

A quote according Monica king,"being healthy isn't a diet it's a lifestyle. It's important to change your lifestyle and not just what you eat or how you exercise"

these are the things that we need in life Being healthy and fit is important Don't think that you can't make decision's there are no excuses because it can helps you to live longer think and be wise, let's not just imagine that you are in healthy living try to do it First make your own way and start achieving your dreams and Goal's in life.

I found an article entitle ''healthy living" written by Laury Nebian, in this site, healthy living,  health psychologists use their knowledge to “enhance the quality of life of individuals.” healthy living is not just about to Eat right you must train as much as you can to prevent laziness, it can help you also to stop and kind of diseases, the key to healthy living is focusing on what your thoughts and reactions , the things you can control

There are more thing's in life that called as a healthy living most of it are in daily lives, being healthy can really be a strong way to prevent sickness, that is a fact. all of the food that you intake must be healthy this cure is  for everything.

a quote according to Laury Nebian, "The  food that you eat can be either the safest and  powerful medicine or the lowest form of poison."
“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making - See more at:
“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making - See more at:
“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making healthier choices for yourself. Instead of holding you up for ridicule, this would actually be about doing something good for yourself.” - See more at:
“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making healthier choices for yourself. Instead of holding you up for ridicule, this would actually be about doing something good for yourself.” - See more at:
“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making healthier choices for yourself. Instead of holding you up for ridicule, this would actually be about doing something good for yourself.” - See more at:

“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making healthier choices for yourself. Instead of holding you up for ridicule, this would actually be about doing something good for yourself.” - See more at:
“Rather than encouraging you to, let’s say, drink to excess or use drugs, they would actually support you making healthier choices for yourself. Instead of holding you up for ridicule, this would actually be about doing something good for yourself.” - See more at:
people nowadays are changing because of updating new technology, they forgot about their health everyone needs it, everything can change when you make a good decision, it can helps you so why we should not be like this! everyone has a reason why they are trying to become  healthy don't think that you can believe in yourself that is the key to success, this information's can help all of us start achieving what you want in your life.

Blog Post 2: Benefits of Dancing

Before I begin,let me just say that Dance is my passion.I, myself, go to the dance class as much as possible, I dance like nobody's watching, how do you express your feelings your emotions you can express that when you dance!  it is not just about dancing you also need to be fit when you dance, there is nothing wrong when you dance,dancing is like a sports if you practice you can change everything that you can't and it will take off your laziness and it can boost your metabolism to become an active dancer and it will increase your confidence and you feel  much better about yourself and Dancing make's you smarter.  I think the whole world knows about dancing. But First, what is dance?

From the article 
Richard powers
in this site, Dance is a type of art that generally involves movement of the body, it is perform in many culture's as a form of emotional Expression or exercise, in a spiritual, or performance setting, and sometimes used to Express Feelings or to tell a story while you dance.Dance can depend on Social and cultural norms,artistic and Moral sensibilities and Dancing can make you smarter.

There are also many styles and genres of dance All of these are: African dance is interpretative Ballet, Ballroom and Tango are Classical dance styles and Dance can be participatory, or performed for an audience Breakdancing  is a type of a street dance, All of these is in our generation's because the past year's only the tribe's can dance like they are praying,all movement's when you dance has its own meaning, So now you see that Dancing can helps you to become fit on any type of genre's you have. Being a Dancer can affect our daily life, it can change your personality and the way we live.

I found a quote according to Richard Powers,"
The more stepping stones there are across the creek,
the easier it is to cross in your own style."

I want them to know that Dancing is not just about dance, they always think that dance is boring, not cool and nobody got time for that, i want to change their mind everybody can have a time For that there is no excuses if you really love what you do because you'll never know unless you try! these information are fact's you should try before you judge dancing. think first before you speak,  If you can't take classes or go out dancing four times a week, then dance as much as you can.  More is better, it also a healthy lifestyle depends yourself. So start now to achieve your Goal's in Life 

I found an article entitle "Dancing Your Way to Better Health" Written by Miranda Hitti, in this site, Ballroom and ballet dancing may help your mind, Body and Spirit. Ballroom dancing often means moving backward, especially for women, it is an Aggressive Dance movement's that's why, it can also helps to become Fit or healthy Aggressiveness is what you need when you dance a ballroom Style of Dancing. this Genre is Ritual dance movement by the tribes "all movements in dancing has a Purpose." this genre Growing From North America.ballroom dance is a set of partner dances.

There are also many ways to have a better health by dancing like ballet, a smooth movements you make while you are dancing a ballet, Ballroom needs a Aggressiveness, ballet needs a Smooth and a little energy but showing some Flexibility and stretching Ballet and modern dance once were bitter enemies, but ballet dancers sneaked off to modern classes, and modern dancers turned up in ballet studios and it has a connection in physical fitness ,praising and a tradition.

A quote according to  Miranda Hitti, "
If you're dancing the foxtrot, you're taking long, sweeping steps backwards. That's very different than walking forward on a treadmill or taking a jog around the neighborhood,"

any type's of genre in dancing has a purpose,  I want to change your wrong perception Now you realize that dancing has a connection to physical fitness and to your personality,do not just Visualize yourself into it, this is a way to become a better person,you are not just dancing it is also a praising to the lord, it is a choice and depends on what you want, make your own decisions not by your Friends make your own way to start a better life.